Monday 6 January 2014

Something is Wrong in Somerset!!

In 2013 Ofsted rated Somerset County Council's Children's Services (Social Services) "Inadequate".  Michael Gove the Secretary of State for Education threatened to hand over the running of this inadequate Department to an outside body due to their failures.

Experience demonstrates to this blogger that such ratings and threats are not without due cause.

One simple example here should suffice - In December 2013 a family were handed back their child -

he had been taken into foster care  as the "all- seeing, all knowing" Social Worker determined that this beautiful little boy was "at risk" as he was Down's Syndrome -

in the form of a Teddy Bear holding his ashes.

Yes, this poor little, well cared for, well loved child was abused by the very system purported to protect him.  Instead it placed him into the hands of an incompetent that led to his death.  How can that family ever recover?

We know that many more families are being illegally hounded and abused by Somerset County Council in it's guise as "child protectors".  They are abusing the Children's Act 1989, they have an Interim Director of Children's Social Care who has already been vilified in a Judgment against him, they have a CEO who is absent due to her "differences" with the Council Leader  - Mr John Osman.

Says a lot for an authority that appoints a CEO who has to go "sick" because she hasn't the gumption to deal with an over privileged Council leader who is just throwing his weight around whilst the county suffers as a result.

It is clear that there is corruption, criminality ( and if they want to test the blogger on this I have EVIDENCE) and cover-up throughout the Children's Social Care Department.  Once again Social workers believe that they are above the law, when in reality they abuse it to further their own child snatching agenda.

It is time to "out" and expose these wicked people and here we need you.

If you have suffered at the hands of Somerset County Council please get in touch and tell us your story, we will do all we can to help you expose their wrong-doing.
Contact us at

Tell us your story, name the Social Workers, Managers, Assessors, "Expert" Witnesses, Judges, Guardians, Cafcass Officers, give us the evidence of their wrong-doing, their lies, deceits, perjury and we will do all we can to help you in challenging and exposing the corruption that lies at the heart of County Hall.

More will follow here, we will tell you our story as it develops, we will help all who need it to fight these abusers and 2014 will be the year that sees these criminals brought to book.


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